Terms of Use

Version Date: July 1, 2024

These Terms of Use tell you how you may use the lynxcoding.club website and any associated cloud-based, text-based coding software, including all updates, projects, support, User Guides and content that display or link to this website. We refer to these collectively as the "lynxcoding.club services".

lynxcoding.club services is owned by Logo Computer Systems Inc. ("LCSI"). In these terms of use, the word "we" refers to LCSI.

If you have any questions about these Terms of Use, or your use of the lynxcoding.club services, then you may find the answer on the Help page. If you cannot find the answer there, or if you have any comments or complaints about the lynxcoding.club services, please contact us at [email protected]

You may use the lynxcoding.club services only if you agree to these terms of use. If you do not agree, please do NOT use the lynxcoding.club services. These Terms of Use limit the liability of LCSI and disclaim warranties for the lynxcoding.club services as permitted by law. These Terms of Use also explain how your use of the lynxcoding.club services will be used by LCSI. Please read these Terms of Use carefully.

In addition to these terms of use, what else should a user read?

Please also read the LCSI Privacy Policy, which explains how we handle any information about you when you are using the lynxcoding.club services. The privacy policy is part of these Terms of Use. If there is any inconsistency between the privacy policy and these Terms of Use, these Terms of Use will prevail.

You may use the lynxcoding.club services only if you:
  1. comply with the laws, rules and regulations that a reasonable person ordinarily would when using the internet; and
  2. comply with these Terms of Use, any codes of conduct or other notices we provide; and
  3. keep your account registration password, if any, a secret; and promptly notify LCSI if you learn of a security or data breach related to the lynxcoding.club services; and
  4. when using the lynxcoding.club services, you may not:
    • engage, or allow others to engage in, facilitate, or further unlawful conduct;
    • use the lynxcoding.club services in an intentionally harmful or disruptive way;
    • misrepresent the source of anything you post or upload, including impersonation of another individual or entity;
    • use any portion of the lynxcoding.club services as a destination linked from any unsolicited bulk messages or unsolicited commercial messages;
    • publish, post, create, upload, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, pornographic, profane, defamatory, obscene, indecent or unlawful information;
    • use the lynxcoding.club services to threaten, stalk, defame, defraud, degrade, victimise or intimidate an individual or group of individuals for any reason; including on the basis of age, gender, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation, race or religion; or incite or encourage anyone else to do so;
    • upload, or otherwise make available, material protected by intellectual property laws, unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all the necessary consents to do the same, including, but not limited to, copyright or trade mark laws;
    • use any automated process or service to access and/or use the lynxcoding.club services (such as techniques like a BOT, a spider, periodic caching of information stored by LCSI or “meta-searching”); use any unauthorized means to modify or re-route, or attempt to modify or re-route, the lynxcoding.club services;
    • re-sell or re-distribute the lynxcoding.club services, or any part of the lynxcoding.club services;
    • copy, translate or reverse engineer lynxcoding.club services.

In using the lynxcoding.club services:

  • you understand that you may create projects that can be published and stored at lynxcoding.club and which you may choose to share with others; and
  • you agree that all projects created by you using the lynxcoding.club services are available for others to:
    1. use without attribution on a non-commercial basis;
    2. share, copy and redistribute the project in any medium or format on a non-commercial basis;
    3. adapt, remix, modify, transform and build-upon your project on a non-commercial basis.

In addition, in using the lynxcoding.club services to create projects, you grant LCSI a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual licence for LCSI to use, reproduce, modify, communicate to the public, create derivative works, display, perform, sub-license and distribute the projects in any way that LCSI desires.

Can these terms of use be changed?

Yes. LCSI reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time, so please review these Terms of Use frequently.

If we decide to change our Terms of Use, and these changes are material, LCSI will notify you in one or more of the following manners:

  • By posting a message on our home page; and/or
  • By sending you a notice using the email address you chose to provide LCSI; and/or
  • By including a special pop-up on other pages for notifications of material changes to these documents.

If you do not agree with these changes to the Terms of Use, you must immediately stop using the lynxcoding.club services. Your continued use of the lynxcoding.club services will be deemed irrevocable acceptance of the Terms of Use, as revised.